jueves, 16 de julio de 2020

Thursday, July 16th

Good Morning, kids!
This is the last day that we are getting together in small groups:
9.00 to 9: 15 Lola Kauffmann- Clara Marés -Julia Ciapuscio
9.20 to 9: 35 Camila Angiono - Valentín Varano- Sofia Guzzo

Today we are having our virtual class!!!
REMINDER: You have to wear something of the colour of your house (wind/earth/water)

1. Get your bingo card because we are going to play!

2. Then we will watch a video and we will answer some questions using CAN or CAN’T

You have to sign in with GOOGLE and to use your Northfield account so we can see your names when you hand in your work.

See you in a few minutes!!!

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